Sound check at Diamond Joe Casino in Dubuque, IA.
Wedding gig on drums in St. Joseph, MI with the Matt Stedman Band.
...and the obligatory selfie.
About to go on at Reggie's Music Joint.
And we're on. Thats the t-shirt I got when I just saw Stevie play the United Center. The back of it has his tour dates in braille. One of the best performances I've ever seen.
At Reggie's Music Joint. Stevie's tour dates in braille.
This is were I sat at the United Center for Stevie's show. 300 level at UC is usually in like another neighborhood, but this was a straight shot from the stage.Even though I could barely see him, Stevie's voice was right in my face. 65 and he still sings like 1974.
With Live Band Karaoke at Olivet Nazarene University. Probably 1000 kids (really!) that immediately stood up and screamed when we played "Shut and Dance", which just came out. A bit overwhelming to get that big of a response unexpectedly.
w/Live Band Karaoke at Olivet Nazarene University.
Sound check.
About to go on at Diamond Joe Casino.
Wedding date with the Matt Stedman Band. Thats an ES-345 I borrowed. Amazing playing and sounding instrument.
I love my job.
At the Elbo Room-Chicago, IL. Summer 2016.
Elmo Room- Chicago, IL. Summer 2016
Elmo Room- Chicago, IL. Summer 2016
Are You Gonna Go My Way? Elmo Room- Chicago, IL Summer 2016.
Piece Pizzeria-Bucktown, USA.
Live Band Karaoke. I don't remember where this was, but it was a really cool outdoor venue in the middle of a cornfield. This little guy was hanging around as we were setting up and I thought for sure he would split as soon as we started playing during our sound check. After sound check I went to grab something out my case and see he's still chillin' backstage.
Live Band Karaoke. After soundcheck. Beautiful venue.
Same venue at night.
Live Band Karaoke. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Fall 2016. We play this gig every year for the incoming Freshman class. It's a long one at about 4 hours with little breaks in between sets. Always an amazing group of kids that we get to play for.
Live Band Karaoke. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Class of 2020.
This was given to me by my very dear friend/mentor/instructor/bandmate/all-around great dude Brad Schlueter. I don't know whether to thank him or ring his neck. (See tips at upper left corner!)
Live Band Karaoke. About to go on at Hard Rock Cafe-Chicago, IL.
Live Band Karaoke. Hard Rock Cafe- Chicago, IL.
Live Band Karaoke. Hard Rock Cafe-Chicago, IL.
Live Band Karaoke. Reggie's Music Joint. The backdrop for my homepage. The week before I had my normal rig consisting of my Axe Fx II, Charvel Guthrie Govan model, etc. Burke at Reggie's busted my chops about not needing all that and that all I need is a Tele and a Fender Champ. So the following week I showed up with this and an overdrive pedal. He's right, but I still like my Axe Fx II and Charvel.
Live Band Karaoke. Sounds check at another college gig/road trip.
Sounds check at same gig.
Live Band Karaoke. Ottawa University-Ottawa, KS. Spring 2017.
In the WGN 720 AM studio facing Michigan Ave for the Patti Vasquez show. It was a blast doing this and she was a gracious and funny host. Check out the podcast!
My Hofner 500/1 '64 Reissue.
Live Band Karaoke. Stanley's Kitchen and Tap-Chicago, IL. Summer 2017.
With Live Band Karaoke at Canal Shores Golf Invitational. Steve McMichael and I doing Elvis "Suspicious Minds". He was hilarious and nailed it. Supper cool dude. August 2017.
With Live Band Karaoke at Canal Shores Golf Invitational. August 2017.
Hard Rock Cafe Chicago August 2017
Stanley's Kitchen and Tap, Lincoln Park, IL August 2017
The Mothership. Where I play my bad notes. Fort Knox Studios, Chicago, IL
Piece Pizzeria, Bucktown, USA. August 2017.
Stanley's Kitchen and Tap, Lincoln Park, IL August 2017.
Generation Axe Tour, April 2016.
Stanley's Kitchen and Tap, Lincoln Park, IL. August 2017.
Ball State University, Muncie, IN Sept 16, 2017